Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This is not a food blog

But... you need to go over to Smitten Kitchen and make her bread without a timetable. Very crusty and very good.

Then. If you weren't really hot on the bread and happen to have 3/4 to half a loaf left (or have any other crusty bread hanging around, for that matter) you need to make Summer's Last Hurrah Panzanella.

We had the Panzanella for supper. Amazingly, the recipe is so easy and it looks just like the picture. You will feel like a regular gourmet.

And the best part? Josie ate three servings.


Beth Hanna said...

The panzanella looks yummy, but I'm guessing (wild guess) that at least two male members of this household wouldn't go for it! The rest of us probably would though!

Angela said...

I get overwhelmed with recipe/cooking sites and do not linger very long. I'm going to stick with yours...keep them coming and I might try. Spagetti and Mexican is getting old in this house...I signed up for a weekly menu/shopping list but I have forgotten about it for the last two weeks. So little time these days...

Alan & Beth McManus said...

as a bachelor pinching pennies and who hated to cook (I hate it still) I discovered how to combine three bachelor meals into one tasty dish. It's simple to do. For one person, boil 1 or 2 hot dogs. Steam some broccoli. Make 1 box of Kraft mac n cheese. Cut the hot dog(s) into small pieces and mix into the mac n cheese. Do the same with the broccoli. Now you have protein, veggies and carbs all in one meal and you can eat it right from the pot. Don't even have to dirty a plate (don't like washing dishes either). I don't recommend it but now that I'm hungry before bed...it's sounding pretty good. :-)

Kris Livovich said...

Hey! We do almost the same thing with mac n cheese! Except, we do it one step easier - just throw frozen mixed veggies into the pot with the noodles, and you don't have to mess up another pan. I am all about streamlining.

Maybe I can get the kids to just sit around a pot on the floor and eat out of that...