Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Matter of Taste

So, we discovered this site called Cake Wrecks, and it is a big, fascinating waste of time.
While perusing back posts, we came upon this picture.
Apparently, the bride had their wedding cake done up in an exact replica of herself, down to the beading on the gown.


While Mike and I looked at this picture, little did we know that Elia had come up behind us and was taking it all in too.

The conversation went this way:

Mike: That is terrifying!

Me: and tacky!

Elia: and .... beuuuuutiful!

Glad she's not getting married any time soon.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Wow! I wonder if you take the head piece off, or if you just slice right into her face!! Eeek!