Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas - The Prequel

Abuela sent us a box full of goodies - to be opened anytime, mind you - so we opened it!  Oh, sweet, sweet Duvalin.  Josie was so excited that Abuela had sent her HER VERY OWN box!  And then she was bitterly disappointed.  As tasty as they are, I think my parenting would fall into question if she were allowed to eat all 18 on her own...  

And Paleta Payaso.  I do enjoy these.  In fact, I enjoy them so much that the children are not allowed to eat them.  I hide them in a super secret spot and do not share.  I love my children, but not that much.  

We had decorated the Christmas tree two days before this package arrived, and the kids had so much fun finding and hanging their personal ornaments from Abuela.  Now there are four more! 

There were all kinds of other goodies in the box, but I was too busy furtively eating Paleta Payasos to take any more pictures.

Thanks Abuela!  Thanks Aunt Bethie

1 comment:

Beth Hanna said...

You're welcome! It's my pleasure and I'm glad it gave you all so much pleasure! I had some Paletas Payaso left (they didn't fit in my suitcase!) so I gave them to Bethie to use as "prizes" for the young people! Hope that's OK with the payaso-eating-mama!