Tuesday, February 24, 2009


You are witnessing a very new thing for this family. It is an Elia in her new tennis shoes posing before her very first soccer practice. She loves her new tennis shoes. She is so excited to wear a YMCA soccer shirt. She is super happy to be on Ben's team. She loves soccer!

And did you know, that after tonight's practice she declared, "Mom, I changed my mind. I don't want to be a police, I want to be a soccer player. I am really good at soccer."

Disclaimer from Mom: Um, really good? I would say really good at looking cute. And really good at having a good attitude. And really good at showing off those new tennis shoes. But really good at soccer? Not so much. Stick to police work.
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1 comment:

Molly Sabourin said...

Elia is so adorable and sweet and supportive of my Benji, which I thoroughly appreciate. I can't wait to see their first game on Saturday!