Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Girl child (as she helps set the table) : I wish we had a maid to do all our work.

Me : We don't have a maid, and even if we did, you would still have to do work. That's part of being in a family.

Girl (under her breath): I bet Barack Obama has a maid...


Katie said...

THAT is hilarious.

Alan & Beth McManus said...

I bet he has a lot of them. ha-ha.

It's not "work" it's "productivity" or then again...maybe the "girl child" should try being a maid but I think that might be illegal for her age in the US...maybe she should stick with just being a "girl child" who helps set the table :-)

Beth Hanna said...

She's right, even with a maid, she'd have to do some of the work - just ask Cameron and Dayton!! Even set the table!