God did not make death,
nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living....
For God formed man to be imperishable;
the image of his own nature he made him.
But by the envy of the devil, death entered the world,
and they who are in his possession experience it.Wisdom 1:13; 2:23-24.
No one scorns the haiku for being shorter than War and Peace
Nor scolds the daffodil for being briefer than a redwood
But this little life cut off so young
We mourn and cry "too soon too soon".
....... to read the rest, GO HERE
I'm not sure I totally understand your poem, but it does remind me that God is the one in control - He knows when our time here is done. As you know I had to accept that when Dad died - God knew why and why so young when he had so many dreams and plans! I see just a smidgen of the why's now, but of course not all of them. Probably we'll never know all the why's - it's just for us to TRUST!
This poem captures so very well the mystery that is faith in a sovereign God. I like that it allows for raw and honest grief while simultaneously and assuredly asserting that God is wise and just and good. Unanswered questions are par for the course on this side of eternity, I suppose. Thanks for this, Kris!
I tried to think of a synonym for 'beautiful' because I think if I use it too much it'll lose its meaning. But this poem really is beautiful, and so sorrowful.
I recently had a friend who 24 hours before delivery found out that one of her twin sons had died. This poem is beautiful in its presentation of honest grief and affirmation of life and loss. I may send this to her. One of the great things about poetry, how it can express how we feel when we cannot. Thank you.
Kris -- Thank you so much for this poem; it so perfectly captures the fullness of grief for the loss of one who's life is barely a haiku -- just the start of an idea. I've beent here myself and know many who have in their own ways. A truly beautiful poem! -- Emily
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