Monday, October 10, 2011

Too much

It's a good thing Abuela has a camera and a blog, or you would never find out what's happening in these parts.  Fun.  That's what's happening.

Museums, ice cream, eating out with friends, last visits to the beach before winter, and plenty in between.

 The good news is that I did find my camera.   Good news indeed or you would have faced a future of nothing but my deep thoughts.  The horror.  The bad news is that I have been absolutely terrible at taking pictures and then transferring them to a computer.  No time for cameras, we've got plans!  Mom's gonna make me a new skirt and a new cushion for the bench, and bags for toys and games, and clean the art room, and, what's that?  She's not my slave?  Oh, don't worry, we give her breaks.  We let her take us out for dinner.  


What's that?  Not good enough?  We also let her take us places for birthday treats, and soon she'll take us out for ice cream at Sherman's on our way to Traverse City.  See?  We do lots for Mom.  We give her our deep and undying gratitude.  And appreciation.  And love.  And thank you's.  Thank you Mom!

   Monkey in the middle, that's what's happening.
That monkey had to work hard to stay in the middle.


We visited a wind farm in middle Indiana, which was enlightening.  Our favorite part?  Writing on a turbine blade.  As we left the building after the beginning talk, I glanced over at a blade parked to the right of the building and felt sad that so many people had defaced this giant blade.  As I was thinking this our guide pulled out a handful of sharpies and told the kids to have at it.  And have they did.

These turbines are amazing in person.  At over 200 feet tall, you find yourself almost falling backward as you crane your head back for a view.

The kids were duly impressed.

I will do better at pictures.  Promise.
Until I don't.

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