Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Poetry Wednesday, Vol. 30

Being February, I think some poems about love are in order. In Mexico Valentine's Day is: Dia de Amor y Amistad - Day of Love and Friendship. You celebrate your love for all your friends and family, not just that special someone. So love poems for February will be more about love and friendship with maybe something romantic tossed in. Thank you for joining, I'm looking forward to all the wonderful poems this week.

After Work

Richard Jones

Coming up from the subway
into the cool Manhattan evening,
I feel rough hands on my heart -
women in the market yelling
over rows of tomatoes and peppers,
old men sitting on a stoop playing cards,
cabbies cursing each other with fists
while the music of church bells
sails over the street,
and the father, angry and tired
after working all day,
embracing his little girl,
kissing her,
mi vida, mi corazon,
brushing the hair out of her eyes
so she can see.


Molly Sabourin said...

Sweet, sweet, sweet. : ) I really enjoyed this, Kris!

Anonymous said...

I like this too. Refreshingly straightforward.

I'm afraid my poem choice this week doesn't reflect the love you talked about... :P

x M.

Beth said...

Oh New York. I am reading Dorothy Day's Long Loneliness again (I think you would like it if you have not already read it) and the images presented in this poem remind me of what she probably experienced on a daily basis. Also makes me want to pick up Sinclair's The Jungle.

Sandy said...

Such a vibrant poem! I can hear and feel the bustle!

Jennifer said...

I love this poem! What a sweet sentiment.

Unknown said...

Yea!! I'm so glad Poetry Wednesday is taking off! Wonderful poem, too. :)