Thursday, June 16, 2011

Why I went to a Cubs game, even though I never watch them

Cause it makes them happy

Cause I like tension

Cause I needed to find out definitively how to pronounce Fukudome.  I feel strange even writing that.

Cause singing Take Me Out to the Ballgame is fun.

Did I mention it makes them happy?

Until it doesn't.

Aw, ya bums!


Samuel said...

Oh, you made me laugh, and cry and smile all at the same tme! I MISS MY MOMMY and MY DADDY! Thanks so much for posting this, Kris! Love, Susan (written from Sam's account)

Michelle said...

I love going to Cubs games, even though I hate watching them on TV.

I feel strange writing Fukudome - saying it too.

7th inning stretch is the best part of the game! and I love the homemade score card. If we go, I make Glen buy me the official score card. It's the only way I can pay attention to the games.


Beth Hanna said...

It´s so cool that you could make them happy!

Beth said...

Precious. And I am so jealous because I grew up with a die hard Cubs fan for a father. Love the picture of the hand holding and love the homemade score card. Super fun for you.